Get Your Student I.D.

To get a free IRSC Student I.D., students should bring a current class schedule and receipt showing payment of tuition, along with a valid photo I.D., to the Student Affairs Office at the Main Campus (KSU-112). Student I.D.'s are also available once per semester at the branch campuses during Welcome Week.
A current, valid IRSC Student I.D. is required to check out materials from the IRSC libraries, gain entry to athletic and other College events, receive various student services and to utilize campus recreation facilities.
A student should always carry his/her IRSC Student I.D. as it serves to identify Indian River State College students for departments or College officials needing verification.
There is no charge for the initial card; however, there is a $5 fee for a replacement card. It is a violation of student regulations to have two current I.D. cards in your possession at any time.