Bachelors Degree General Education Requirements

Bachelor Degrees
The following information must be used in conjunction with the requirements information under each degree.
Transfer from Associate Degree:
General Education Requirement: 36 credits
Electives: 24 credits
Degree Requirements
English - 6 credits
ENC 1101 | English Composition I | 3 credits |
| And | |
ENC 1102 | English Composition II | 3 credits |
ENC 1107 | Advanced College Writing | 3 credits |
ENC 2210 | Technical Communications | 3 credits |
AML 2010 | American Literature to 1865 | 3 credits |
AML 2020 | American Literature after 1865 | 3 credits |
ENL 2012 | English Literature to 1798 | 3 credits |
ENL 2022 | English Literature after 1798 | 3 credits |
LIN 2670 | Linguistics and English Grammar | 3 credits |
LIT 2030 | Introduction to Poetry | 3 credits |
LIT 2110 | World Literature: Homer to the Renaissance | 3 credits |
LIT 2120 | World Literature: Enlightenment to the Present | 3 credits |
In each of the above courses, students will demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments and complete each course with a grade of C or higher.
Humanities - 6 credits
AML 2010 | American Literature to 1865 | 3 credits |
AML 2020 | American Literature after 1865 | 3 credits |
ARC 1701 | Architectural History I | 3 credits |
ARH 1000 | Art Appreciation | 3 credits |
ARH 2050 | History of Art (Prehistoric - Gothic) | 3 credits |
ARH 2051 | History of Art (Renaissance through Modern) | 3 credits |
ENC 1102 | English Composition II | 3 credits |
ENG 1123 | History of Film I | 3 credits |
ENG 1124 | History of Film II | 3 credits |
ENL 2012 | English Literature to 1798 | 3 credits |
ENL 2022 | English Literature after 1798 | 3 credits |
ENL 2330 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 3 credits |
HUM 1233 | Humanities Literature: Baroque to Present | 3 credits |
HUM 1533 | Humanities: Philosophy | 3 credits |
HUM 1541 | Humanities Literature: Ancient to Renaissance | 3 credits |
HUM 2512 | Humanities: Fine Arts | 3 credits |
IDS 1110 | The Pursuit of Knowledge | 3 credits |
IDS 1955 | Interdisciplinary Study Abroad | 3 credits |
LIT 2110 | World Literature: Homer to the Renaissance | 3 credits |
LIT 2120 | World Literature: Enlightenment to the Present | 3 credits |
MUL 2010 | Survey of Music Literature | 3 credits |
MUL 2012 | Survey of Music Literature - Musical Theater | 3 credits |
MUY 2100 | Humanities: Music and Music Therapy | 3 credits |
PHH 2060 | History of Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval | 3 credits |
PHH 2403 | History of Philosophy: Modern | 3 credits |
PHH 2603 | History of Philosophy: Contemporary | 3 credits |
PHI 1002 | Philosophical Practice | 3 credits |
PHI 1010 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 credits |
PHI 1103 | Critical and Creative Thinking | 3 credits |
PHI 1113 | Reason and Emotion | 3 credits |
PHI 1401 | Science and Society | 3 credits |
PHI 1624 | Philosophy and Popular Culture | 3 credits |
PHI 1635 | Ethical Issues in Health Care | 3 credits |
PHI 1801 | Philosophy of Art | 3 credits |
PHI 2100 | Introduction to Logic | 3 credits |
PHI 2620 | Environmental Ethics | 3 credits |
PHI 2630 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 credits |
PHP 1791 | Existentialism | 3 credits |
REL 1121 | Religion and American Public Life | 3 credits |
REL 1300 | Introduction to World Religions | 3 credits |
THE 1000 | Introduction to Theatre (Drama) | 3 credits |
THE 2300 | Survey of Dramatic Literature | 3 credits |
In each of the above courses, students will demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments and complete each course with a grade of C or higher.
Mathematics - 6 credits
Students must complete each course with a grade of C or higher.
Science - 6 credits
Consult Educational Services about specific science requirements for major and for university transfer.
Social Science - 12 credits
Students must take 6 credits from the following:
AMH 2010 | American History: Discovery through Reconstruction | 3 credits |
AMH 2020 | American History: Reconstruction to the Present | 3 credits |
EUH 2000 | Western Civilization: Origins to 1485 | 3 credits |
EUH 2001 | Western Civilization: 1485 to 1815 | 3 credits |
EUH 2002 | Western Civilization: 1815 to the Present | 3 credits |
WOH 2012 | World History to 1500 | 3 credits |
WOH 2022 | World History Since 1500 | 3 credits |
WOH 2040 | World in the 20th Century | 3 credits |
Social Science
Students must take 6 credits from the following:
ANT 2140 | Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology | 3 credits |
ANT 2410 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics | 3 credits |
ASN 1010 | Introduction to East Asia | 3 credits |
CPO 2002 | Comparative Politics | 3 credits |
DEP 2004 | Human Development | 3 credits |
ECO 2013 | Principles of Economics Macro | 3 credits |
ECO 2023 | Principles of Economics Micro | 3 credits |
GEA 2000 | World Regional Geography | 3 credits |
INR 2002 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 credits |
INR 2500 | Model United Nations | 3 credits |
POS 1041 | American Government | 3 credits |
PSY 2012 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 credits |
SPC 1017 | Fundamentals of Speech Communication | 3 credits |
SYG 2000 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 credits |
SYG 2010 | Social Problems | 3 credits |
SYP 1742 | Sociology of Death | 3 credits |
A series of college preparatory reading courses will be required of all students who test into college preparatory level reading.